"A Little Dream" - A life documentary on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Monday, July 20, 2009
10 hydel projects by 2020
Friday, June 19, 2009
Scholarships for first year degree (ANY) students
Ford Foundation has announced scholarship for first year degree (ANY) students.
The eligiblity for applying this scholarship will be 75% marks in +2, they
will pay full allowance like tution fees, hostel fees and maintanance
allowance, etc.
The last date for applicaton is 30th June. Inform and forward this message
to your friends circle.
Application form is available on the web address: http://www.faea.in/
Monday, May 11, 2009
Transforming billion people to prosperity
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Why Vote?

Hi Guys and Gals, Please read this post if you really feel that India can Change with your Single Vote.
If you don’t, then atleast believe after reading this that India can Change with your single vote.
Are you fed up (or irritated) with People Coming to u r house and asking for your vote, then what is the real value of your single vote? Will it make the Politician(Corrupted) Nervous if you vote and So on…………
The Answer is………
(Found Some points on Internet and some are my Own)
1. No vote is a vote for the winner
It is critical to understand this. If you oppose a particular person, go and vote against that person; else you will be helping him / her to win.
2. What information do you need to vote?
Indepth profiles of all candidates standing for election are available on the website of the Association for Democratic Reforms. There is no further information that you need to vote. Even if an ordinary Independent candidate wins, it is better for us and the system, as he / she will be able to work for the country without interference from a political party, and the bureaucrats are also able to work better without pressure and influence from political parties.
3. Voting encourages good candidates to stand
Good candidates must be supported, irrespective of whether they may win or not. It is essential that good candidates get a respectable number of votes, so that next time around, more good candidates are encouraged rather than embarrassed to stand for election.
4. Your vote is valuable because voting is voluntary
If voting was compulsory, you would have had to vote. But then your vote would have been even less relevant than now (when a lesser number of people are voting).
5. Your voting upsets political calculations
Political parties know how many votes they are going to get from their constituency, and they know how to get them. Hence they don't really want you to vote, as you can upset their calculations, being an unknown factor. Hence, politicians themselves perpetuate the myth that it makes no difference if you vote or not. It is simple arithmetic that the fewer the people who come out to vote, the fewer the votes that are needed to win an election.
6. Remember, we run the country
We run this country. We seem to have collectively forgotten this important point. If we chose not to vote and give up that role, it is taken up by default by those who do vote and elect their own representatives.
7. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand
Not voting means wanting rights but not fulfilling responsibilities, which is the same thing we are saying about the politicians.
8. Voting connects you with all other citizens
At the Gateway of India peace rally on December 3, each of us individually were irrelevant, but the 1 lakh crowd was hugely relevant. It is the same with our vote: our single vote is not important, but collectively, all our votes make a huge impact. (In fact, it would be scary, if one vote made a difference!)
9. Your vote connects you with the country
It's only when you vote, that you will connect yourself with the community and the country. You need to vote to understand the change that will happen inside yourself and to feel the immediate connect with the larger picture around you.
10. Your vote will shape your own world
Every action you take everyday determines what sort of country you want to live in, and shapes you yourself. Voting is one such action; whether you vote or not, it is going to shape you and your country.
11. Vote with your voice and your wallet
Never lose the opportunity to vote with your voices and wallets. Express your views, choose the products and companies that deserve your support and money. In the same way, use your vote.
12. Think cricket to understand votes
Cricket is huge in our country because of the crowds who go and watch it and increase the stakes, money, sponsorships involved. Even our country's reputation is linked to how we perform in cricket matches, because each one of us is out there voting for it.
13. Form a group around your vote
Get together your family and friends and go and together vote for the person you want. This will encourage others to also support you, and will encourage good candidates to continue standing for election, based on support from groups such as yours. This will also bring the group together for all other social and civic problems.
14. Why not pick your own candidate?
Try and think of who you want as your leader. Write to them now offering your support, and to help them to get votes. If you don't know the person directly, use the internet and media to voice your opinion and gather support for, or at least start discussions about, the candidate of your choice.
15. Why do people you admire not stand for election?
Seriously think of all the reasons why you would yourself not stand for elections. And if one of the reasons is that you won't get enough votes to win, then that itself should make you go out and vote.
Now, I hope you will Surely Vote :)
Dont know whether u r name is in the Voter list or not? then Click here.
Want to know more about the Contesting Candidate of your area, then go here: www.myobv.org or www.smartvote.in
Other ways to Know about the Character of the Contesting Candidate
You can go to : www.adrindia.org
The details about the helpline
- Toll-free No.: 1-800-110-440
- Day/Hours of operation: Mon-Sat (10am – 6pm)
- Information given: Criminal records, Assets, Liabilities and Education Qualifications.
- Source of Information: Candidate information given in affidavits.
- Initially the information based on earlier affidavits only will be provided. New information based on current affidavits will also be provided as and when it becomes available (usually about 7-8 days before the election dates).
- NEW will send 3 messages a week starting immediately till elections. The messages will contain fact based information. To register, please send SMS MYNETA <PINCODE> to 56070.
- This message will provide information about the candidate (criminal and other background information) for the constituency containing that pincode and will also register you to receive 3 messages a week till the elections are over.
To See Other FAQs click here.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Vote or Dont Vote!!!

Hi Guys and Gals, today as we know elections are nearing, and we may face with dilemma of whom to vote and whom not to, there may be a case where none of the contesting candidates are good, May be you have lost the hope of change in your local area, then We have got a solution!.
Now given the present scenario, a voter is physically signed into the station but votes privately, by pressing a button on the EVM (Electronic Voting Machine). What stops him from NOT pressing that button in the event that he doesn’t wish to vote for the contesting candidature. This STILL isn't where the problem lies. Now you have X number of people signed in, and X-1 votes. Nobody can trace who didn’t vote, hence that vote can be misused. It is for this reason that Rule 49-O exists. Via this rule, a voter is given an opportunity to sign a separate form (Form 17-A), and submit it to the presiding officer, thereby putting this decision on record. This clears up the haze when votes are being tallied.
And this is by far, the only purpose of Rule 49-o of the Conduct of Elections in India.
Summary: If you dont like any of the Contesting Candidates, and want to go for an option "None of The Above" (NOTA), then the option is RULE 49-o.
In the Voting Office ask the Presiding Officer for Form 17-A and fill it, Sign it and Submit it to the presding Officer.
Now you can come out of the Voting Office Proudly that you did not make again a corrupted person to be given your precious vote, rather you opted NOTA vote :).
Please Convey this message to all of your friends and family members so that We could See India of Our Dreams.
For Further Updates and details: http://www.49-o.info/
Form 17A: http://tinyurl.com/Form17A
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hi Everyone, this post is a good one, I found it from some book, a must read!!!!!
"Everyone has limits. But we never know our limits, until our skills have been put to test. Never say:”This is all I can do, unless you’ve tried to do it”. Do you know that humans use only 10 % of their brain? While much more you can do. You have the resources. You just need to find it and the first place to look into is within yourself.
Our skills double, when we face danger. Then we see, hear, smell and move faster. It shows that we are capable to act and do much more than we think. We are just too afraid at times. But what are we afraid of? Are we afraid, we may actually find our true strengths? Or is it, we just need to be pushed to find our true potential.
“What is the most Universal human characteristic: fear, or laziness?”
Some of us arent afraid. We just arent bothered. ‘So what’? are the two most dangerous accountabe words. “So What, I’m weak? So what, I am not using my abilities to their best?” These are questions that can never be answered. But think about it a while; if everyone starts asking you the same questions, how will you feel? If all the great leaders fuss ‘So what, the country is unhappy?’, if your grocer yells ‘So what, you’re hungry?’ if your garbage collector tells ‘So what, your home is dirty?’; pointing their fingers to you, how you sense?
Replace that acidic “So What?” with the hopeful “What if?”
“What if you become someone great worth remebering?”
“What if you can make people proud of you?”
The thing that’s worse than quitting or failing is being complacent. Beleiving that you are weak and that’s all you are capable of. When you start to say,”This is the way I am and there’s nothing I can do about it”, that is when you hit rock bottom. No one can help you in such a situation. Even the skills that you’ve mastered will be a waste with such an attitude. Beleive in yourself, and only then you can expect others to beleive in you.
Start to care. Even if no one else does care for you. The last person to give up on you should be yourself."
Friday, March 6, 2009
Jaago re!
So no need to worry anymore about standing in Queues or completing Headache process to get a Voter Id.
Its really simple, just go to www.jaagore.com and you are done. I registered it in minutes, need to just submit the forms in the location specified :).
So I am ready to vote from 2009.
Are you ready?
Can't beleive it, see it of your eyes:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Let us take this quiet oath and spread to make everyone vote in this election 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Action 2020

On behalf of India Vision group, an UnConference titled Action 2020 was held at Chennai on Saturday the 17th Jan 2009. One hundred young professionals and students representing 35 social service organisations participated. These organisations are already silently doing great service to the society. They already into more than 500 projects benefiting more than 1.50 lakh beneficiaries, involving funds outlay of 50 lakhs.
In the morning Dr Y S Rajan, co-author of the book India 2020 with Dr Kalam interacted with participants on phone. In the evening, Dr Abdul Kalam interacted with them on phone and answered the questions from youth. A detailed report is available in the following links.
To listen to the audio of Dr Abdul Kalam's interaction, please click here
The text of the speech by Dr Abdul Kalam is given below:
“It doesn’t matter who you are,
You will achieve if you work for it”.
“Plant a tree and plant an idea”
Dear members of “Action 2020 - UnConference 2009” organized by the India Vision Group and the 35 partner organizations who are working on bringing societal transformation through achievers, intellectuals and other contributors, my greetings to all of you. I am very happy to communicate with all of you telephonically, when you have assembled at Chennai and discussing on how to achieve Vision 2020 with peoples’ participation.
On 15 Jan 2009, I inaugurated the Youth Meet at Pune and interacted with nearly 1500 youth. The theme, I selected for the youth was, “the ignited minds of the youth is the most powerful resource, on the earth, above the earth and under the earth”. Here it was important to remember, the powerful call given by Swami Vivekananda “how has all the knowledge in the world been gained but by the concentration of the power of the mind? The world is ready to give up its secret if we only know, how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point that is the secret”.
When I put forth this thought to the young, there was tremendous enthusiasm and the youth repeated the statement. Then I brought out the power of three great minds:
“It doesn’t matter who you are, you will achieve if you work for it”. Mario Capecchi – a street boy becomes a noble prize winner in 2007 for his remarkable work on Gene targeting which can be used to cure diseases such as cancer.
Failure didn’t deter him. Srinivasa Ramanujam with his best capability generated his own equations and became an expert in number theory. He failed in his FA Exam, but he didn’t bother. Mathematics became his friend. He saw divinity associated with each number. He became a renowned number theorist and a great mathematician recognized by the world of mathematics including Royal society.
“Plant a tree and plant an idea” - Prof Wangari Maathai had a passion for environment and bio-diversity and has been contributing to the sustainable development and growth of planet Earth through tree plantation. She has been instrumental in getting 31 million trees planted in 20 countries in African region. She won the Nobel Prize for this unique contribution of environmental upgradation. With these three thoughts, “It doesn’t matter who you are, you will achieve if you work for it”. “Failure didn’t deter him” and “Plant a tree and plant an idea” the 1500 youth at Pune were fully ignited; they were all asking tell us, what we can give? I asked the audience, why don’t you young boys and girls share your experience. One girl got up and introduced herself, she is from rural Maharashtra. She said, Mr. Kalam, let me share with you what myself and my classmates have done. There is a hospital in our small town, where the entire place is dirty and the patients are not at all cared for. Seeing the situation, the student community decided to go to the hospital once in a week, to clean up the entire place including toilets. And we also provide necessary help to the patients, such as: communicating with their relatives, drying their clothes, bringing the medicines, giving them a feeling of cheer by talking to them. What a noble mission?
Series of questions came in after words. What the youth can do to remove the corruption? was one of the question. Here I gave my experience at Adichunchunagari Mutt, when I addressed 50,000 students and 1000’s of parents in the presence of spiritual leaders and political leaders in 2005. After my address on vision 2020, one girl Bhavani got up, she said, she is studying bio-science in 10+1, and she would like to know from me and the leaders sitting on the dais, what actions youth should do to remove corruption, so that we can live in a corruption free society. The funds allotted for development can reach the citizens fully. Answer to this question really was not coming forth from any quarters, but I had to answer. I told, dear Bhavani, your question is very important in the present context of the nation. You know, we are one billion population. We live in 200 million homes. It is estimated that 30% of the homes may be corrupt, that means 60 million homes are corrupt. Each home has on an average 5 members: Father, mother, two sons + one daughter or parents + two daughters + one son. Now I have got a question for you Bhavani. In case your parents, particularly your father is unfortunately corrupt, will you go to your father and say “Father, please stop corruption - Our scriptures will not allow that, our teacher taught us” Will you say this to your father? There was pin drop silence. Then a surprise. Nearly all the children got up, they all said in chorus, we can do it. We will stop our parents if they are corrupt. I couldn’t believe this. Of course, I turned to parents where 1000’s of them were sitting. I particularly asked the mothers. How will you react to your daughter or son coming to you and saying that you should stop corrupt actions. After some thought, the mother gave the following statement:
“Mr. Kalam, so far no one has asked such a directed question. But I want to tell you one thing on behalf of womanhood that “Daughter or son, have got a unique relationship with parents. They have a great and grand tool that is mutual love and affection. If our child comes and tells us that we are corrupt, it is a great insult to me and my husband. We have to change, we have to change, we have to change. Then the whole gathering took an oath. “I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for others to adopt a transparent way of life”.
I asked the youth of Pune on 15 Jan 2009, what is your reaction? They said, we would like to take the same oath and abide by it. The entire hall reverberated when they took the oath. Then I realized the vision 2020 of transforming India into a developed nation definitely will succeed with such a committed youth power. I would like Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan; you may kindly see my website www.abdulkalam.com and click PURA as a business proposition. Here many successful operational PURAs in different parts of the country has been describe. Our young participants can definitely create such sustainable rural development model in their own area which will accelerate the realization of our development vision 2020.