"A Little Dream" - A life documentary on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why Vote?

Hi Guys and Gals, Please read this post if you really feel that India can Change with your Single Vote.

If you don’t, then atleast believe after reading this that India can Change with your single vote.

Are you fed up (or irritated) with People Coming to u r house and asking for your vote, then what is the real value of your single vote? Will it make the Politician(Corrupted) Nervous if you vote and So on…………

The Answer is………

(Found Some points on Internet and some are my Own)

1. No vote is a vote for the winner

It is critical to understand this. If you oppose a particular person, go and vote against that person; else you will be helping him / her to win.

2. What information do you need to vote?

Indepth profiles of all candidates standing for election are available on the website of the Association for Democratic Reforms. There is no further information that you need to vote. Even if an ordinary Independent candidate wins, it is better for us and the system, as he / she will be able to work for the country without interference from a political party, and the bureaucrats are also able to work better without pressure and influence from political parties.

3. Voting encourages good candidates to stand

Good candidates must be supported, irrespective of whether they may win or not. It is essential that good candidates get a respectable number of votes, so that next time around, more good candidates are encouraged rather than embarrassed to stand for election.

4. Your vote is valuable because voting is voluntary

If voting was compulsory, you would have had to vote. But then your vote would have been even less relevant than now (when a lesser number of people are voting).

5. Your voting upsets political calculations

Political parties know how many votes they are going to get from their constituency, and they know how to get them. Hence they don't really want you to vote, as you can upset their calculations, being an unknown factor. Hence, politicians themselves perpetuate the myth that it makes no difference if you vote or not. It is simple arithmetic that the fewer the people who come out to vote, the fewer the votes that are needed to win an election.

6. Remember, we run the country

We run this country. We seem to have collectively forgotten this important point. If we chose not to vote and give up that role, it is taken up by default by those who do vote and elect their own representatives.

7. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand

Not voting means wanting rights but not fulfilling responsibilities, which is the same thing we are saying about the politicians.

8. Voting connects you with all other citizens

At the Gateway of India peace rally on December 3, each of us individually were irrelevant, but the 1 lakh crowd was hugely relevant. It is the same with our vote: our single vote is not important, but collectively, all our votes make a huge impact. (In fact, it would be scary, if one vote made a difference!)

9. Your vote connects you with the country

It's only when you vote, that you will connect yourself with the community and the country. You need to vote to understand the change that will happen inside yourself and to feel the immediate connect with the larger picture around you.

10. Your vote will shape your own world

Every action you take everyday determines what sort of country you want to live in, and shapes you yourself. Voting is one such action; whether you vote or not, it is going to shape you and your country.

11. Vote with your voice and your wallet

Never lose the opportunity to vote with your voices and wallets. Express your views, choose the products and companies that deserve your support and money. In the same way, use your vote.

12. Think cricket to understand votes

Cricket is huge in our country because of the crowds who go and watch it and increase the stakes, money, sponsorships involved. Even our country's reputation is linked to how we perform in cricket matches, because each one of us is out there voting for it.

13. Form a group around your vote

Get together your family and friends and go and together vote for the person you want. This will encourage others to also support you, and will encourage good candidates to continue standing for election, based on support from groups such as yours. This will also bring the group together for all other social and civic problems.

14. Why not pick your own candidate?

Try and think of who you want as your leader. Write to them now offering your support, and to help them to get votes. If you don't know the person directly, use the internet and media to voice your opinion and gather support for, or at least start discussions about, the candidate of your choice.

15. Why do people you admire not stand for election?

Seriously think of all the reasons why you would yourself not stand for elections. And if one of the reasons is that you won't get enough votes to win, then that itself should make you go out and vote.

Now, I hope you will Surely Vote :)

Dont know whether u r name is in the Voter list or not? then Click here.

Want to know more about the Contesting Candidate of your area, then go here: www.myobv.org or www.smartvote.in

Other ways to Know about the Character of the Contesting Candidate

You can go to : www.adrindia.org


The details about the helpline

  • Toll-free No.: 1-800-110-440
  • Day/Hours of operation: Mon-Sat (10am – 6pm)
  • Information given: Criminal records, Assets, Liabilities and Education Qualifications.
  • Source of Information: Candidate information given in affidavits.
  • Initially the information based on earlier affidavits only will be provided. New information based on current affidavits will also be provided as and when it becomes available (usually about 7-8 days before the election dates).
The details about SMS campaign
  • NEW will send 3 messages a week starting immediately till elections. The messages will contain fact based information. To register, please send SMS MYNETA <PINCODE> to 56070.
  • This message will provide information about the candidate (criminal and other background information) for the constituency containing that pincode and will also register you to receive 3 messages a week till the elections are over.

To See Other FAQs click here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Vote or Dont Vote!!!

Hi Guys and Gals, today as we know elections are nearing, and we may face with dilemma of whom to vote and whom not to, there may be a case where none of the contesting candidates are good, May be you have lost the hope of change in your local area, then We have got a solution!.

What Solution?
Don't Vote for any Candidate, Yes the RULE 49-o permits to do so.
Rule 49-o gives the right to NOT VOTE for any of the contesting candidates
K, fine Let us know
What exactly is RULE 49-o ?
Before 1992, India voted physically, not electronically. So every single vote was accounted for on paper, given the fact that the voter was signed into the polling station physically and a ballot paper with the selected candidate was physically accepted from him/her. Today, India votes electronically.

Now given the present scenario, a voter is physically signed into the station but votes privately, by pressing a button on the EVM (Electronic Voting Machine). What stops him from NOT pressing that button in the event that he doesn’t wish to vote for the contesting candidature. This STILL isn't where the problem lies. Now you have X number of people signed in, and X-1 votes. Nobody can trace who didn’t vote, hence that vote can be misused. It is for this reason that Rule 49-O exists. Via this rule, a voter is given an opportunity to sign a separate form (Form 17-A), and submit it to the presiding officer, thereby putting this decision on record. This clears up the haze when votes are being tallied.

And this is by far, the only purpose of Rule 49-o of the Conduct of Elections in India.

Summary: If you dont like any of the Contesting Candidates, and want to go for an option "None of The Above" (NOTA), then the option is RULE 49-o.

In the Voting Office ask the Presiding Officer for Form 17-A and fill it, Sign it and Submit it to the presding Officer.

Now you can come out of the Voting Office Proudly that you did not make again a corrupted person to be given your precious vote, rather you opted NOTA vote :).

Please Convey this message to all of your friends and family members so that We could See India of Our Dreams.

For Further Updates and details: http://www.49-o.info/

Form 17A: http://tinyurl.com/Form17A

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